Cover von “Narrating the FutureS”
Narrating the FutureS
Speculative Fiction. A Polylogue on Kanuri Wahiu´s Pumzi Shirin Assa, Xin Li, Susan Arndt, Mario Faust-Scalisi (Ed.) Series: Postcolonial Posthumanism
Paperback, 108 pages
140 x 205mm
978-3-96042-076-7 / 2-973
16,00 Euro

ca. 2024
Series: Postcolonial Posthumanism
Paperback, 108 pages
140 x 205mm
978-3-96042-076-7 / 2-973
16,00 Euro

ca. 2024


Wanuri Kahiu’s Pumzi is an Afrofuturist movie, addressing the consequences of climate change and subsequent wars. Pumzi disturbs to dream, turning memory into the elixier of future. This volume is dedicated to learning from Pumzi and its protagonist Asha. Solidarity and resistance in the midst of a dystopic technodictatorship plan(t) new futureS, across species and time. This volume’s contributions delve into this topic pillared on concepts such as futureS, hero, dystopia, Afrofuturism, environment and solidarity. In doing so, the volume contributes to contouring the emergent field Postcolonial Posthuman Studies.

Editors & Series

Shirin Assa — Shirin Assa has been engaged with literary study of diasporic identities/Id*escapes in the field of Future, Postcolonial Studies and Intersectonality. read more

Xin Li — Xin Li wurde in Shanghai, China, geboren und hat in transkulturellen Anglistiken an der Universität Bayreuth promoviert. Ihre Forschungsinteressen umfassen: Gender Studies, Diversity Studies, postkoloniale Studien und posthumanistische Studien. read more

Susan Arndt — Susan Arndt, born 1967 in Magdeburg, is a Literary Scholar at the University Bayreuth. Her work is dedicated to Shakespeare and African (Diasporic) Literatures, with a theoretical focus on Intersectionality, Postcolonial Theories and Posthumanism. read more

Mario Faust-Scalisi read more

Postcolonial Posthumanism — The book series Postcolonial Posthumanisms, edited by Susan Arndt and Weeraya Donsomsakulkij delves into thinking beyond the dogma of binaries. read more

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