Dear visitors, dear readers,
thank you for finding your way to our new website, welcome!
Many months of work, many meetings, hours of thinking, programming and writing are behind this interface.
Our “old” website served us well for four and a half years, now we could finally make some leaps towards clarity and accessibility, which makes us very happy. We have reworked all text pages, the book and author pages shine in their new structure. Current events and press reviews are easier to find, and our books try to be arranged in categories.
One of the many highlights is the bilingualism (German/English) of the site, so the English-language books are much easier to find and general info about edition assemblage as well.
We are responsible for the whole work as a collective. Most of the work has been done by: Carla Schäfer, Hannah C. Rosenblatt and Simon Brinkman (layout and programming). Thanks a lot, without you this site wouldn’t exist!
How do you like the new site? Once again we are looking forward to your feedback!
We wish you a lot of fun while browsing!